Photo credit: Sam Rosewarne Newspix
About us
Vermey’s Quality Meats were awarded ‘Tasmanian Retail Butcher of the Year’ in 2019 by the Australian Meat Industry Council and feature as one of the ‘Greatest Butchers’, in the ‘Greatest Butcher On Your Block’ campaign by Meat and Livestock Australia in 2020.
We are committed to supplying Hobart, quality Tasmanian meat that is free range, grass & pasture fed and has no added hormones, steroids or growth promotants. We buy animals from healthy flock from local owned Tasmanian farms. We know where our meat comes from and as Tasmanian our meat has low food miles. We also stock a variety of hard to come by products, dry aged meat, wagyu, game and high quality mainland speciality products.
Our selection includes free range for life pork from small local producers as well as Scottsdale pork (bred free range), Cape Grim Beef, Robbins Island Wagyu, a variety of game (including rabbit, quail, duck, venison and wallaby), free range grass fed Tasmanian beef and lamb, and sustainably produced & RSPCA approved Nichols Poultry.
We offer superior service and personalised cuts of meat. It is your choice how you would like your meat cut. You choose how much meat you would like. There is no need to settle for what is in a pack, just let us know the quantity or weight you need. We are always happy to trim, slice, dice and tie meat to your specifications. To reduce our environmental footprint, we can use your customer’s containers and our scales can tare off the weight of the container.
Our sausages have won awards over several decades at a local and State level, qualified to represent Tasmania in National AMIC competitions over a number of years. We have also received prizes at a National level, including 2nd in February 2020 for our poultry chicken.
Our burgers have also won several prizes in the Australian Meat Industry competitions. In 2019 we receiving 1st and 2nd prizes in the Gourmet Burger category. Our winning gourmet burger was also a finalist in the National AMIC Competition held in February 2020.
We have a wide range of gluten free products and can make preservative free sausages or small batches of sausages to cater to your specific dietary requirements (including the Failsafe recipe). We can also source Halal meats.
Our team creates a wide range of quick, easy and delicious meat dishes ready for the oven. Our butchers and apprentices have won awards over many years for their meat skills (including but not limited to 2016 1st, 2nd & 3rd Pork Butcher Innovation Challenge for Tasmania, AMIC Tasmanian Apprentice of the Year 2017 and Work Skills Competitions 2019).
For quality meat cut the way you like, helpful cooking advice and friendly staff, come and see us at Vermey’s Quality Meats.
Our guarantee
Marcus Vermey and his team of experienced butchers work hard to ensure that all the meat is of the highest standard so that you receive consistently tender, juicy and tasty meat. All stock is personally approved on arrival. If we are not happy with the quality of the meat, we will not sell it.
We buy animals from healthy flock from local owned Tasmanian farms. We know where our meat comes from and as Tasmanian our meat has low food miles.
We have a strong reputation in supplying quality meat and believe in product integrity. You know exactly what you are getting. We will not sell you old cow for yearling beef, small beef as veal, or mutton dressed as lamb.
Our history
The truly family story behind Vermey’s Quality Meats is highlighted by a video produced by Meat & Lifestock Australia, as part of their ‘Greatest Butcher On Your Block’ campaign. Marcus Vermey is a third generation butcher. Marcus’ father Bill together with his grandfather Bill Snr established Vermey’s Quality Meats in Sandy Bay in 1964. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF85KAtcMWk
Marcus has proven himself to be a top quality butcher not only in Hobart but in Australia, by winning the Australian Work Skills Competition in 1992-93 and participating in an Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation exchange to Japan in 1995. Marcus has been a member of the Australian Meat Industry Council for many years, on the Tasmanian State Retail Council for more than a decade and it’s Chair for 6 years, and a counsellor on the National Australian Meat Industry Retail Council until 2019.
Marcus has been the owner operator of Vermey’s Quality Meats since 1997. He places great emphasis on giving his customers a high level of service. Vermey’s Quality Meats were awarded ‘Tasmanian Retail Butcher of the Year’ in 2019 by the Australian Meat Industry Council and feature as one of the ‘Greatest Butchers’, in the ‘Greatest Butcher On Your Block’ campaign by Meat and Livestock Australia in 2020. Vermey’s Quality Meats were finalist in the Hobart City Council Awards for Exceptional Customer Service (Retail/Hospitality Small Business Excellence) over several years.
Vermey’s Quality Meats is a local business which believes in supporting local farmers and supporting our local community.
Marcus helps teach classes at the Agrarian Kitchen, including courses called ‘The Whole Hog’ (Day 1) which utilises all cuts of pork from nose to tail; ‘All Beefed Up’ (Day 1) and ‘Mutton Dressed as Lamb’.
Rodney Dunn in his book ‘the agrarian kitchen’ described Marcus Vermey as ‘..my go-to man for all things meat.’ (page 267 Acknowledgments, ‘the agrarian kitchen by Rodney Dunn published by Penguin. Marcus Vermey helps teach master classes at the Agrarian Kitchen.
Marcus has three boys. Continuing in the family tradition, all the boys are part of the clean team and help over Christmas. At this stage it is uncertain whether there will be a fourth generation of Vermey butchers.